Operation: Blue Ribbon (O:BR) is a grassroots effort driven by volunteers for the purpose of providing support for local law enforcement.

Public safety is a collaborative effort of citizens and law enforcement. We aim to engage neighborhoods and communities in every district within the City of Phoenix, encouraging community engagement in order to bolster and foster safety and police partnership while boosting police morale.

Our logo and utilization of blue ribbons tied to a tree, mail box or the entrance to a business, is a symbol and visible reminder to the men and women of our police department that they are supported by the community.

Community + PHOENIX PD = Public Safety.


The City of Phoenix & the Phoenix Police Department Needs Our Help!

The Phoenix Police Department is currently under investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) for allegations of abuse, excessive force, and discrimination. OVER $7.5M has been spent since the investigation began in August 2021. These types of investigations are far-reaching, typically take many years to resolve, and could cost the City of Phoenix over $300M.

A consent decree with the DOJ would result in a lengthy list of specific reforms, costing millions of dollars. An independent monitor, also paid for by the city, would ensure compliance. Additional costly oversight from a judge or independent monitor through a consent decree is NOT what our city needs! Our Police Department is already making reforms without the need for expensive & unnecessary federal oversight.

Our law enforcement officers risk their lives every day to ensure the safety and security of our community. They deserve our support and trust, not federal interference. The federal government has no place dictating how our city should manage its police department, especially when our local leaders are already actively working to address and improve policing practices.

Let’s stand united for our Phoenix Law Enforcement Officers

& ensure that local control remains in our hands!

Citizen advocacy plays a vital role in safeguarding the interests of the community and ensuring that any agreements reached between the Department of Justice, the City, and the Phoenix Police Department are fair, just, and in the best interest of all stakeholders involved.

We need YOU to write, email, and call the City of Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, City Manager, Assistant City Manager and the Council members to object to accepting a consent decree!

You can contact your City of Phoenix District Council member at 602-262-7029 or the City Manager's Office at 602-262-4449. To reach the Mayor's office, call 602-262-7111 or use the buttons below to contact them via email.

Want to make your voice heard in-person? Sign up to speak or submit a comment at a future City Council meeting urging the council to NOT ACCEPT A CONSENT DECREE!


Morale, Support and Honor Every Day

  • Ribbons, Banners and Blue Lights

  • Precinct and Department Appreciation

  • Community Building

  • Fallen Officer and EOW (End of Watch) Honor

Community Involvement

  • Community engagement in order to bolster and foster public safety

  • Correcting the False Narrative

  • Supporting Pro-police policy

    • Attend City Council and Subcommittee Meetings

    • Council District Engagement (meet with each Council members.)

    • Encouraging the public to engage – speak or comment

    • Provide direction and scripts

Expand Our Reach

  • Create the Action BLUE Network

  • Database of volunteers, neighborhood and Block Watch groups, and other Back the Blue organizations

Volunteer Recruitment

  • Volunteer opportunities and description

  • Police spouses and partners

  • Social Media

  • Direct email marketing

  • Neighborhood Associations and Block Watch