The City of Phoenix is next on the

DOJ’s list!

A consent decree could cost the tax payers $300M and deteriorate our public safety.

The Phoenix Police Department is currently under investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) for bogus allegations of abuse, excessive force, and discrimination. OVER $2M has been spent since the investigation began in August 2021. These types of investigations are far-reaching, typically take many years to resolve, and could cost the City of Phoenix over $300M.

Listen to KTAR’s Mike Broomhead explain it all.



Citizen advocacy plays a vital role in safeguarding the interests of the community and ensuring that any agreements reached between the Department of Justice, the City, and the Phoenix Police Department are fair, just, and in the best interest of all stakeholders involved.

We need YOU to write, email, and call the City of Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, City Manager, Assistant City Manager and the Council members to object to accepting a consent decree!

You can contact your City of Phoenix District Council member at 602-262-7029 or the City Manager's Office at 602-262-4449. To reach the Mayor's office, call 602-262-7111 or use the button to contact them via email.

Want to make your voice heard in-person? Sign up to speak or submit a comment at a future City Council meeting urging the council to NOT ACCEPT A CONSENT DECREE!